Sunday, September 25, 2011


So I am signed up for the Reiki training for the weekend of November 5th and 6th. I've stayed on track to follow thru on my increased sadhana routine.  I am battling the outrageous level of distraction offered by non-stop internet access, magazines, newspapers, errands, various tasks to attend in the apartment, eating, etc to make my spiritual practice the priority first thing in the morning.  It is really tough even though after I complete it (a little over two hours) I feel amazing. It's just the getting started. I keep telling myself there is really no better use of my time and the world might end as I know it at any moment (gotta get the stakes really high!) so what does all the other stuff (aka lame excuses) matter.  The strategy helps some, but wow, it is really hard for me to be as disciplined as I would like.  I have every intention of sticking with it so hopefully over time, it'll come more easily. At least that is my hope. 

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