Monday, December 13, 2010

Nerd Alert!!!

So today I did a most wonderful thing. I got my New York Public Library card at the Main Library. I feel like it is one of my most prized possessions now. The main branch of the NYPL is so incredibly beautiful. I LOVE libraries and the main branch of the NYPL is the MOTHER of all libraries. When I asked about applying for a card, the man asked me what I would do with it.  I told him I just moved to NYC, lived nearby, and left a job as an Associate Professor at the University of Washington. He then said, "Oh yes, you can apply for one."  Not sure what he would have said if I had said anything otherwise. I would hate to have been denied a library card. I almost peed in my pants walking around the library it's so magnificent. I was pretty much in ecstacy while walking around there. Here are a few pics to share .....The Lions names are Patience and Fortitude.

Isn't it truely inspiring? I look forward to visiting it often and spending time in the reading room. If you too LOVE libraries, check out this link for more info on it....

I then went on to see some of the holiday store windows and Christmas lights along 5th Avenue, Park Avenue and Madison Avenue.........BTW, did you know that the despite there being a Duane Reade or Rite Aid drugstore pretty much on every other corner of Manhattan, there is not one to be found on the tony Avenues of 5th, Park, or Madison.  Guess Cartier, Barney's, Tiffany, Saks, Louis Vuitton, Bulgari, Prada, Fendi, Dior, etc can't be rubbing elbows with the likes of Duane Reade and Rite Aid. Interesting.

I took a few snaps of the decorations to share with you all.......Lord and Taylor had some revolving Christmas scenes in their windows and Barney's was doing a satire on Celebrity Chefs and Holiday Foodie celebrations.  The street scenes are just a VERY SMALL sampling of all the lights and decorations that are all over the city.

Happy Holidays!

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