Sunday, September 12, 2010

Things you should do in Manhattan if you've never done them and do them again even if you've done them before. I'll share my ideas if you share yours.

Of course, my first listings will be all the obvious points of attraction, but over time, I am hoping I will get to know the city well enough to really hone down to some very specific spots less known. I've got some great books for walking tours of the city and when Paul comes to visit, we plan to walk every street of Manhattan.......Plus with others contributions to the blog, it will take me no time at all to become intimate with NYC. I'm easy that way ; >   So here we go>>>>>>

10/11/10  See a performance at Carnegie Hall. (see further comments in the Mundane and Sublime section). Visit the Museum of Modern Art, they have an amazing collection of Picassos (all phases of his career).  The sculpture garden with it's fountain and pond is lovely oasis.

9/27/10 New York Botanical Gardens in the Bronx is a must see.........spectacular

9/17/10  Hang out at Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, you don't even have to see a performance to feel more cultured, just being there in the midst of the Center is pretty transforming

9/15 updates

Chelsea Market

Shubert Alley (see above for more details)

If you love to hear really good story telling, check out the NYC Moth website and link   Thanks to OtO for that recommendation

Also, Dave turned me on to the KEXP radio live streaming to NYC on 91.5 FM with John Richards doing his morning show. I listened this morning and it was wonderful!  Seattle does do some things really right!

Jessica suggested an out of town excursion to Saratoga Springs and the Lake George area.

Deb also suggested exploring the North Fork on Long Island.  In August when I was just a visitor to the area, we went to Long Island on a reconnaissance mission of sorts and came up a bit empty handed. This is good to get more specifics. Also, I have started receiving copies of Edible Long Island and so now know lots more of what to be exploring on Long Island.

Also check out the website for an artist we met on our High Line Park walk, especially if you have young childrens or are expecting a baby, her artwork is so enchanting........... or  I think it comes off better when you see it in person but her website gives you some inkling of it all the same.

First listings on this blog:
High Line Park, but don't just go, pay for a membership to support this great city park project

Bryant park is Fabulous, I love the Carousel and the Reading Room, just the feel of the park with the cafe tables and chairs, the tree lined walk ways, the various table games, and all the free entertainment they offer

The walkway/bikeway along the Hudson River

Walking around Chelsea and the Village

All things Central Park

The Clinton Community Neighborhood Garden and P-Patch

Integral Yoga Institute on 8th and West 13th--great little bookstore, organic health food store and herb/supplement shop.


  1. Your enthusiasm is making me think about getting out more.

  2. Cool Omar.....but what do I have to express besides enthusiasm to move you from thought to action? That's always the tricky part....
