Monday, December 13, 2010

So far loving the winter here

I have to say that I am really enjoying the winter here so far. It's been relatively mild, in the 30's and 40's, no snow yet, some rain but nothing like the PNW that is getting drenched with the Pineapple Express front.  When the rain and the wind do whip it together, it's really fantastic to view from our highrise windows. There are so many more sunny clear days here in NYC than Seattle. What a luxury that is. I expect it may get really cold and miserable in the next couple of months, but even then, if the sun is shining it will make the biggest difference. I really love all the hats, coats, ear muffs, scarves, gloves, and boots people don for the winter weather. It so marks the winter season in a way I've not really experienced before. Just had to put that out there. Off to see the Holiday themed windows.....

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