Thursday, November 4, 2010

On becoming a New Yorker

I cast my first vote as a New Yorker on Tuesday. If I had known that Patty Murray was not a shoe in for the WA senate seat, I probably would have waited to change voter registration and voted for her via absentee ballot. It will be very disappointing if Rossi wins. Cuomo did not need as much support here for the governor posiiton. Anyway, it was kind of cool voting for the first time as a New Yorker, another official milestone. The lady volunteer at the polling booth had unwavering patience and people skills in checking in people with all kinds of foreign accents and names. She was a natural for that position. I complimented her on her patience and skill when it came to my turn to sign in.  I have yet to get my actual NY voter registration card but apparently didn't need it to vote.  When I called to find out the status of it, the woman told me there is such a back log for getting these out to people and because you don't need one to vote just as long as your info in on the list, there was a good chance I may not ever get a card! 

The NYC marathon is happening on Sunday November 7th. We will be out on the lines with 2 million other people cheering on the 40,000 plus runners and keeping a very special eye out for Scott Solomon # 40716(BIG SHOUT OUT FOR SCOTT AND TEAM SCOTT), one of Bob's very close work colleagues who will be doing his first marathon. I am sure it will be very exciting and a crazy time on Sunday. It's a whole city wide event in that the marathon course goes through each of the five boroughs, starting in Staten Island, then Brooklyn, followed by Queens, Manhattan, the Bronx, then back to Manhattan and ending at Tavern on the Green in Central Park. All along the 26 plus mile route are entertainment stages, photo ops, cheering stations, etc.  Quite the event for sure. Another baptismal initiation to living as New Yorkers. I suppose it would be most meaningful if I was actually RUNNING the marathon, but that just ain't a gonna happen, period. I have always been a better spectator than athlete, so it's good to do what you are good at ; > .

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