Friday, August 5, 2011

waving goodbye to NYC from Wave Hill Gardens

Margaret and I had a really fabulous visit to Wave Hill Gardens in the Bronx. The gardens are situated on the cliff overlooking the Hudson River. Terrific views of the NJ Palisades. Such a calm and serene place. Weather was absolutely perfect...what heat wave? We lunched under the shade of a big tree taking in the view and the vibe there. They do a really great job of having many plants in bloom throughout the year. It's  only 22 acres but there are quite a few different gardens, view points, microcosisms, lovely buildings to wander through, and lots of wonderful small places to tuck into for a bit more privacy. several fantastic pergolas to walk under and sit a spell. most striking to me above everything was a MAGNIFICENT Copper Beech tree that clearly was an elephant in another life. so amazing the similarties of the color, texture, folds in bark, size, shape of the trunk and branches,  everything!! I was so taken by it I could hardly leave it. There was also the most amazing aquatic lily pad that looked like the most intricate mosaic design. Nothing like I've seen before. I just had to get a membership which was only $40 bucks and gives recipricol admission to several other wonderful gardens throughout the five boroughs. it was the perfect sendoff to my upcoming trip to India. NYC has a way of making sad to go and lovelorn each time I leave the city. Am excited to take others there upon my return. We are waiting for our flight now.... hope to be able to make some entries from India and will try to do better with adding pictures. Wish ihad some to share of the sights from Wave Hill. Google it for details.

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